Educational kinesiology or Brain Gym
Created in the 1980s, Brain Gym is a specific and dynamic educational method based on the principle that movement is the foundation of all learning.
The exercises are designed to facilitate learning with all of our potential and our brain in terms of academic, professional, sports and everyday activities.
This method is based on work undertaken over decades under the direction of Paul Dennison (USA), PhD in Educational Sciences.
The Brain Gym® program is made up of 26 activities, along with several other movement-based techniques that help address balance, posture, and coordination skills associated with daily life success. There are 4 categories of activities to balance our 3 body dimensions:
Midline movements encourage sensomotor coordination, to facilitate reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Energy exercises prepare the skills for planning, organizing and aligning objects.
Deepening attitudes provide physical and emotional stability for group learning, sharing and, if necessary, relaxation.
Lengthening activities release accumulated tensions and prepare for action for concentration, understanding, expression and initiative.
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