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"The gratitude

can transform your routine

in days of celebration."


William Arthur Ward

___ my philosophy

Whatever our history, we all have the choice: 

  • Focusing on the positive or negative view

  • Living in joy or sadness

  • Being attentive to your body or cutting yourself off from your feelings

  • Eating well or neglecting what you bring to your body

  • Living in conscience or with blinders

  • Cultivating gratitude or lament.


Stress is not a fate, nor fatigue, nor addiction, nor disease. How you live your life is a matter of choice. The hardest part is to take the first step towards what you really want to change.


This is true for individuals and organizations.


With a dual career path as a business leader and kinesiologist, I support individuals (adults, children and teenagers) and employees in companies towards connecting with themselves through a multidisciplinary approach focused on the body, alignment and vital energy.


The purpose? To live in consciousness the journey, the experimentation and the understanding of our deepest humanity.

Is there anything stopping you from taking the next step?
Kinésiologie Garches
When you search, you find
Some sentences that guide my life
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